The archive
I started this project in 2019, expecting to explore the Young Women program. But once I started collecting media, I realized there is much to explore and analyze within these films.
All videos come from thrift stores or eBay. Sometimes I get lucky, and fellow ex-Mormons send me their own archives.
I mostly work with videos, but I’m also interested in audio—vinyl, cassettes, etc. that reflect Mormon culture.
If you have old videos or audio recordings, let me know!
By the numbers
117 VHS tapes and DVDs
1,361 segments within those
I track the speakers, years, and subjects in every video. It’s very unscientific and relies on my flawed tagging system, but it at least offers hints at trends. The archive stops in 2014, likely when they stopped distributing physical media. I last updated these numbers in May 2022.